Rail Grinding Vehicles
A rail grinder is used for restoring the profile and removing irregularities from worn rail track to extend its life and to improve the ride of trains on the track. Rail grinding vehicles are a cost-efficient solution to effectively eliminate surface defects on rail heads.We represent major suppliers of grinding machines in different type series. Our machines assuremachining of a large range of rails including grooved rails, UIC rails and crane rails.Ballast Cleaning MachineThe ballast cleaning machine extracts the old ballast from under the sleepers with a chain, andtransports it to a screen, which retains any usable material. The usable ballast is then returned to the track.
Ballast Regulators
A ballast regulator is used to shape and distribute (by ploughing and brooming) the track ballast to support the sleepers. The ballast regulator, which is an integral part of the tamping workgroup, is used to redistribute the ballast from areas with excess ballast material, to areas where available ballastmaterial will be needed for effective and efficient tamping. After the track is tamped, any remaining excess ballast is distributed to areas where needed, when the ballast profile is shaped and broomed.
Tamping Machines
Tamping machines are used for raising, straightening and tamping tracks. This machine can perform tasks such as the track lifting, track lining and leveling for railways. Generally, this machine is used for the first tamping operation after the overhaul and cleaning operation or for the tamping operation in a new railway construction.
Sleeper Layer
The sleeper layer is a highly dedicated tool to grab and position sleepers at a specified rangeaccording to the requirements.
Track Renewal System
The good functioning of the railway track depends upon the condition of the individual components such as rails and sleepers. Defective parts must be replaced in good time in order to avoidunpredicted costs. Track renewal system provides a more efficient and effective way to handle major track renewal programs. The system works with concrete, pre-plated wood or steel ties and effectively handles crossties, anchors, spikes, and rails in track renewal operations. It delivers simplicity inoperation for customers and leaves behind a high quality track with precise tie spacing and a smooth ballast bed.
Mobile & Stationary Flash-Butt Welding Systems
The stationary rail welding plant is designed for joining short rails to long rails while the heavy profile welder is designed for joining different materials within railway switches.The mobile rail welding system offers various rail welding jobs for in-track welding of continuous welded rails.