Solar Radiation Instruments measure direct and global solar radiation in wide spectral range with high accuracy. The global radiation is the total sun radiation which irradiates on the earth. It is compiled of direct sun radiation and indirect radiation which shines through clouds, water and dust particles (diffuse or sky radiation). It comprises a spectral area from 200 until more than 3000nm. Diverse sensors can be applied for radiation measurement according to the meteorological and climatological needs.
· Si-Global Radiation Sensor: Especially suitable as reference for photovoltaic systems
· Pyranometer: Measures the global radiation, ranging 0.3...3 μm wave length.
· Electronical Sunshine Duration Sensor: Without moving parts, in accordance with WMO standards.
· Pyrgeometer: For measuring the radiation intensity in the far infrared range.
· lux measurement
· net radio meters
· heat flux measurement
leaf reflectance