VHF/UHF and HF radios
A full range of state of-the-art radio families covering all of the frequency bands commonly used in aviation and ground radio.
Voice communications system (VCS)
Is an IP-based voice communications system (VCS) that reliably connects air traffic controllers with radio sites and other area control centers (ACC).
Audio control units
It can be used at controller working positions to transmit and receive on multiple channels without the need for an additional vcs.
Remote control and monitoring system
ATC radio system operators solutions for controlling and monitoring their entire radio communications network, either from a single, central location or from a number of dispersed workstations.
• Monitoring of the complete communications chain from controller working position to the radio
• No additional hardware required for monitoring and controlling radios at the individual sites
• Redundant system for continuous monitoring and control
• Overall status report sent to higher-level monitoring system via SNMP
• Complete situational overview of the radio sites through monitoring of SNMP-capable devices..
Test and measurement solutions
Range of system products and test and measurement equipment for deploying, operating, monitoring and maintaining complete radio communications system .
Air traffic control direction finders
Digital direction finders for air traffic control enables users to take the bearings of multiple aircraft simultaneously using just one direction finder.
This capability offers important savings in terms of space and money.